Friday, July 31, 2009

Arthur and the Dragon ( new ending)

Amanda was on her way to the mountain, she was swooping and diving in and out of the clouds. She found a dark humid cave at the top of the mountain and made her self a soft bed ,and tried to go to sleep, but she was feeling that no one loved her. She stood up because she heard shouting and looked outside the cave and saw a bright light. She flew down closer to get a better view. There was a fire in the town so Amanda flew at top speed into the town.
She saw the towns people with buckets and hoses trying to put out the fire. They were running around screaming and shouting 'Fire Fire help'!!!
Amanda saw that the old peoples home was on fire, it was burning wildly.She flew quickly to the fire and snorted the flames into her wet nostrils, the fire was then under control.

Arthur came down and saw Amanda with the townspeople, cheering and slapping her on the back. The town council then said Amanda can stay.

Horray! Horray!

By WatJar

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Man on Moon

40 years ago July 20 1969 during the Apollo 11 mission a, NASA astronaut, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon. The last man on the Moon was Eugene Cernan during the Dec 1972 Apollo 17 mission. It was the final flight in the Apollo program. Twelve US astronauts walked on the Moon during the six successful lunar landing Apollo missions. There is likely to be a 40th anniversary celebration at the White House, with the aging Apollo astronauts at the event lobbying the new president for NASA funding to make sure the United States is not an "also ran" in the race back to the Moon.

" One small step for man one giant leap for mankind".

By Whaaly and Gortho

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mending Friendship

" S.T.A.F.F."

Room 1 has been learning how to
be good friends so Mrs Moore has
made this poster so it can remind
us how to care for others.

S.hare what you feel.
T.ell what upsets you.
A.pologise and accept an apology
F.orgive and accept forgiveness.
F.orget the incident for good.

By Whaaly


This term Room 1 are learning how to skip for P.E. (Physical Education.) We try to go out every day and learn different types of skipping like the Skier, Criss Cross,
Basic Jump and the Bell Jump!

We try our hardest to learn the skipping routine and if we learn it we get to put a I can-can sheet into our I can-cans!

By Whaaly and Gortho

Senior Syndicate Sports

This term the Senior Syndicate has been focusing on sport. We have been split up into sixteen
teams! All the teams are named after country's all over the world!

Here are some of the team names: Botswana, Egypt, Finland, Mongolia Turkey, Spain and Syria.
The sports we play are Rugby, Netball, Hockey and Soccer.

We have just started and we have had a enthusiastic start to this new subject!

By Whaaly and Gortho

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Rainy Day Problem

One day at the Peeks house Miss Moss the scientist was trying to put a video in the video player but it kept coming out and did not work.
"Well lets go to Dick Smith," said Miss Moss.
"But it's raining," said Mrs Peek.
"I will go and get my super umbrella," said Miss Moss.
"What car are we going in," asked Miley Peek the one with brown hair.
What a beautiful young 6 year old girl thought Miss Moss.
"We are going in Miss Moss's Porsche," said Mrs Peek.
When they got to Dick Smith they bumped into their friend Miss Hilton who works there as a sales assistant. Miss Moss asked, "Do you have a video player for my laptop and the TV?"
"Yes, over this way," said Miss Hilton.
When they saw the video player for the laptop they said, "Yes, we will buy it."
"Now for the video player for the TV we have a special - you get a 32 inch plasma TV free!" said Miss Hilton.
"We will buy it," Miss Moss and Mrs Peek said together.
They went to the counter. "That will be $200.00," said Miss Hilton.
Later, Miss Hilton, Miley Peek, Miss Moss and Mrs Peek left the shop to go home. They drove very fast in the Porsche sports car. They sang along with Gimme Gimme A Man After Midnight by ABBA. It was fun.
When they got home Miss Moss watched a video about how the all the forests are being cut down to make paper. It was rated M. This meant Miley was not allowed to watch it.
Miley was very unhappy and had a tantrum. She stomped her feet. She screamed and shouted. She threw herself on the floor.
Mrs Peek sent Miley to her bedroom. Mrs Peek then wrote a note in her diary.
Miss Moss and Miss Hilton heard Miley singing nasty songs. Miley sang, "I'm the coolest girl in school yey yey yey."
"Hey watch your language!" yelled Miss Moss and Miss Hilton.

Written by MosSam

Early Maori Life

See full size imageThis term Room 1 has been studying Early Maori Life.
We have discussed what the Maori wore, where the Maori lived and what the Maori ate.
We imagined ourselves at a Maori camp.
We all had different ideas.We had 6 groups and each group had a question to answer.We have been to the computer suite to research our Maori life questions and we have also read a bit about them. We have found out quite a lot of information. We have a big question and a few sub questions to answer. After we have collected enough information we have to present it to the class using powerpoint.

by Gortho

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Our Wormfarm

Our teacher, Mrs Moore bought our class a WORM-FARM! Mrs Moore bought the worms so we could sell it's worm juice and make money for the school. We have to feed the worms apple cores, banana skins and paper. We also have a responsibility to clean the worm farm and whenever we clean it there's always something rotten. YUCK!!

By Whaaly

Australian Maths Test

Four speedy maths children in Room 1 are participating in a tricky maths test against other schools
in New Zealand and Australia. These top maths children are O'neCod, GORTHO, O'neCal and
MorMit! The boys are practising really hard and we wish them the BEST for the big day in week 3!

By Gortho and Whaaly

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Welcome to Room One's blog. Keep watching for new writing, artwork, photos and movies from Room One.