Friday, July 31, 2009

Arthur and the Dragon ( new ending)

Amanda was on her way to the mountain, she was swooping and diving in and out of the clouds. She found a dark humid cave at the top of the mountain and made her self a soft bed ,and tried to go to sleep, but she was feeling that no one loved her. She stood up because she heard shouting and looked outside the cave and saw a bright light. She flew down closer to get a better view. There was a fire in the town so Amanda flew at top speed into the town.
She saw the towns people with buckets and hoses trying to put out the fire. They were running around screaming and shouting 'Fire Fire help'!!!
Amanda saw that the old peoples home was on fire, it was burning wildly.She flew quickly to the fire and snorted the flames into her wet nostrils, the fire was then under control.

Arthur came down and saw Amanda with the townspeople, cheering and slapping her on the back. The town council then said Amanda can stay.

Horray! Horray!

By WatJar


Malcolm Roberts said...

What a well written ending to this story. You have used some exciting words. I like happy endings.

Room10@Ptengland School said...

Hi GreJay,
That was a very exciting ending that you wrote!! Keep up the great work.

Miss Lavakula and Room 10@Pt England School